The ez Start Patient Support Program is designed with patients in mind


Direct access to dedicated Case Managers

Your own dedicated Case Manager is here to help you with:

  • Accessing OTEZLA treatment
  • Any program-related questions you may have

Reimbursement services

A helpful reimbursement resource:

  • The ez Start Program can help you navigate the sometimes-complex reimbursement landscape

Financial assistance management


Medication delivery

OTEZLA shipment

You get to choose how you receive your medication:

  • Pick up medication at your preferred retail pharmacy
  • Have medication directly delivered to your home, work, or another chosen location

The ez Start Program provides simple choices in services that can help you navigate your treatment with OTEZLA.

Getting started on OTEZLA

Your doctor has already completed the first step by prescribing you OTEZLA

Enrol in the ez Start Program

Contact 1-844-ez-Start (1-844-397-8278) to enrol.


The ez Start Program can help you get started with OTEZLA

Once enrolled in the ez Start Program, you will receive a welcome phone call from your ez Start Case Manager. Your caller ID may identify this call as coming from +1-905-444-4444 OR as a blocked number—please be sure to answer it in order to receive support from the ez Start Program. For access to your dedicated Case Manager, reimbursement services, financial assistance management, and personalized OTEZLA shipment, call:

1-844-ez-Start (1-844-397-8278)
Monday–Friday, 8:00 AM–8:00 PM ET


Receive the OTEZLA starter pack from your doctor or through the ez Start Program

OTEZLA® is available on the RxHelpTM ONE program!

How does the program work?

The program covers up to the difference in cost between brand name OTEZLA® and its generic alternative(s).*

Call the ez Start Program at 1-844-ez-Start (1-844-397-8278) Monday–Friday, 8:00 AM–8:00 PM ET to learn more about RxHelpTM ONE

* Available in select provinces only. Refers to drug acquisition cost and reasonable markup.
Dispensing fees not covered. Program can end at the manufacturer’s discretion.
BID, twice daily; PO, taken orally.